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Explore The Tanzania Mountains

Enjoy an unforgettable Mountain Climbing trip in Tanzania with one of the certified guides at Patrol Africa Tours and Safaris! Tanzania is home to some of the richest mountain habitat on earth, from towering volcanoes to lush and verdant forests home to a plethora of rare animals. Trekkers will be glad to know the trip doesn’t end once you summit Mount Kilimanjaro – there is so much more to see! We’ve made a list of some of the best mountain destinations in Tanzania, whether for day trips or multi-day hikes. Please note, as many of these mountains are located in protected national parks, we always recommend checking the latest park fees before you go.

Tailor Your Tanzania Trip

Tanzania tailor made holiday lets you focus on what really tickles you – whether that’s watching the sunrise from the top of Africa’s highest mountain to tracking the Big Five.

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